A Transactional Email is an automated, system-generated email sent to individuals to help complete a specific transaction or process.
These emails are triggered by user actions and provide important information or updates related to those actions.1
Key Characteristics
- Automated: Triggered by specific user actions or system events.
- Personalized: Include personalized information relevant to the recipient (e.g., name, order details).
- Timely: Delivered promptly to ensure the information is relevant and useful.
- Functional: Focus on conveying necessary information rather than promotional content.
- Compliance: Often required for compliance with legal or operational standards (e.g., confirming consent for subscription).2
Transactional emails are essential for a good user experience.
They ensure customers get timely and relevant information about their interactions with a service or product.
By keeping recipients informed and engaged, these emails build trust and improve satisfaction.3
- Enhanced Customer Experience: By providing timely and relevant information, transactional emails significantly improve the customer experience.
- Increased Trust and Reliability: Regular updates through these emails build trust and a sense of reliability in the brand.
- Higher Engagement Rates: Given their personalized and specific nature, these emails have higher engagement than bulk marketing emails.
- Opportunities for Cross-Promotion: While primarily informational, they can be used subtly for cross-promoting other products or services.4
- Order Confirmations: Sent after a purchase to confirm the order details.
- Shipping Notifications: Provide tracking information and status updates for shipped products.
- Password Resets: Allow users to reset their passwords securely.
- Account Creation Confirmations: Verify the creation of a new account.
- Appointment Reminders: Remind users of upcoming appointments or reservations.
- Subscription Confirmations: Confirm the subscription to a newsletter or service.5
Related Terms
1. Valieri, S., & Marin, N. (2012). The optimization of transactional emails in a marketing perspective: Incomedia case. https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:546261/FULLTEXT01.pdf
2. What is transactional email?. Mailchimp. (n.d.). https://mailchimp.com/marketing-glossary/transactional-email/
3. Zelezny, L. (2024, February 7). Understanding the role of transactional emails in customer experience. Bouncer. https://www.usebouncer.com/glossary/understanding-the-role-of-transactional-emails-in-customer-experience/
4. Transactional email: Definition, types, and examples for 2024. Omnisend Blog. (2023, December 22). https://www.omnisend.com/blog/transactional-email/
5. Jordan, J. (2023, May 22). What is transactional email and what is it used for?. Postmark. https://postmarkapp.com/blog/what-is-transactional-email-and-how-is-it-used