
A Purchase is an action of buying goods or services by paying money or its equivalent for it.

In business and consumer behavior, it marks the culmination of a decision-making process where a customer chooses to acquire a product or service in exchange for money or equivalent value.

This transaction signifies a key moment in the sales and marketing funnel, representing the transition from potential customer to actual customer.1

Visual Representation:

Purchase Visual Representation


The purpose of a purchase goes beyond the simple exchange of goods for money.

It fulfills the buyer’s need or desire while concluding a successful sales process for the seller.

This stage is vital as it directly impacts the revenue and profitability of the business.

For businesses, understanding the dynamics of purchase behavior is very important for tailoring marketing strategies, optimizing product offerings, and enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.2

The Purchase Process:

The purchase process typically involves several steps:

  1. Recognition of Need: Identifying a need or desire for a product or service.
  2. Information Search: Seeking information about potential solutions.
  3. Evaluation of Options: Comparing products or services based on features, price, and other factors.
  4. Decision: Choosing a product or service to buy.
  5. Transaction: Completing the purchase through payment and acquiring the item or service.3


When a customer makes a purchase, it validates the effectiveness of the sales funnel.

It contributes to the business’s bottom line and opens opportunities for future engagement, customer loyalty, and referrals.

A successful purchase enhances the brand’s reputation, as satisfied customers will likely share their positive experiences.

Factors Influencing Purchase Decisions:

  • Price: The product or service cost relative to perceived value and buyer’s budget.
  • Quality: The perceived quality and durability of the offering.
  • Brand Reputation: The trust and reliability associated with the brand.
  • Social Influence: Recommendations or opinions from friends, family, or social media.
  • Personal Preference: Individual tastes and preferences based on past experiences.


Consider a customer interested in purchasing a digital marketing course.

They have navigated through the sales funnel, from reading blog posts (awareness), to downloading an ebook (interest), and attending a free webinar (consideration).

The purchase stage is facilitated by a special discount offer, clear course benefits, and positive testimonials from past students, leading the customer to make an informed decision and complete the purchase.4

Post-Purchase Relationship:

  • Customer Satisfaction: Ensuring the customer is satisfied after purchasing is crucial for building long-term relationships and encouraging repeat business.
  • Feedback and Reviews: Encouraging customers to provide feedback and reviews can enhance the product or service’s credibility and help attract new customers.

Related Terms:


1. Wikimedia Foundation. (2023, February 11). Purchase. Wikipedia. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/purchase

2. Szymkowiak, A. (2019). Marketing in Online Sales Funnels. Preuzeto5, 2021. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Andrzej-Szymkowiak/publication/341789835_Marketing_in_Online_Sales_Funnels/links/5ed6820992851c9c5e73c412/Marketing-in-Online-Sales-Funnels.pdf

3. Petker, J. (2023). How Does Web Design Affect Consumers’ Trust in Online Shopping?. Germany: GRIN Verlag. https://www.google.com/books/edition/How_does_web_design_affect_consumers_tru/rpGoEAAAQBAJ

3. Understanding the consumer decision making process. Yotpo. (2023, June 12). https://www.yotpo.com/resources/consumer-decision-making-process-ugc/

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