Split Testing

Split Testing, also known as A/B testing, is a method used in marketing and web development to compare two versions of a webpage, email, or other digital content.

The goal is to see which version performs better.

This method helps improve user experience and boost conversion rates.1

Visual Representation

Split Testing Visual Representation

How It Works

  1. Create Variants: Create two or more versions of the element you want to test (e.g., a webpage, an email subject line, a call-to-action button).
  2. Random Distribution: Randomly divide your audience into equal groups, each seeing a different version.
  3. Measure Performance: Track critical metrics for each version’s click-through rates, conversions, or engagement levels.
  4. Analyze Results: Compare the performance data to determine which version achieved the best results.
  5. Implement Changes: Adopt the higher-performing version for broader use.2

Key Components

  • Control Group: The original version of the asset, against which other versions are compared.
  • Variant: The new version(s) being tested against the control.
  • Hypothesis: A prediction of what changes might improve performance and why.
  • Metrics: Quantifiable measures used to evaluate the success of each variant (e.g., conversion rate, bounce rate, time on page).3


  • Data-Driven Decisions: Gives clear evidence of what works best, reducing guesswork.
  • Increased Conversion Rates: Identifies which elements improve user engagement and conversion.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Optimizes based on real user interactions, leading to a better experience.
  • Cost Efficiency: Maximizes ROI by focusing on effective strategies and elements.4


  • Webpages: Testing different headlines, images, layouts, and call-to-actions.
  • Emails: Experimenting with subject lines, email content, and send times.
  • Advertising: Comparing ad copy, images, and targeting strategies.
  • Product Features: Assessing the impact of new features or updates on user behavior.


Imagine an online retail store testing two versions of its homepage.

Version A (the control) features a red “Buy Now” button, while Version B (the variant) has a green “Buy Now” button.

The store directs half of its traffic to each version and monitors the conversion rate.

If Version B shows a statistically significant higher conversion rate, the store can conclude that the green button is more effective and implement it on the homepage.

Related Terms


1. What is split testing? | Adobe basics. (n.d.). https://business.adobe.com/blog/basics/split-testing 

2. Speicher, Maximilian, Andreas Both, and Martin Gaedke (2014). “Ensuring Web Interface Quality through Usability-Based Split Testing”. In: Web Engineering. Ed. by Sven Casteleyn, Gustavo Rossi, and Marco Winckler. Vol. 8541. LNCS. Springer, pp. 93–110. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Maximilian-Speicher/publication/271269916_Ensuring_Web_Interface_Quality_through_Usability-Based_Split_Testing/links/560ef62608aec422d112d8d4/Ensuring-Web-Interface-Quality-through-Usability-Based-Split-Testing.pdf

3. Cherian, M. (2024, June 3). What is A/B testing? A practical guide with examples: VWO. Website. https://vwo.com/ab-testing/

4. Vrountas, T. (2023, May 11). What is split testing? 8 steps to follow for your next campaign. Instapage. https://instapage.com/blog/what-is-split-testing/

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