Split Testing, also known as A/B testing, is a method used in marketing and web development to compare two versions of a webpage, email, or other digital content.
The goal is to see which version performs better.
This method helps improve user experience and boost conversion rates.1
Visual Representation
How It Works
- Create Variants: Create two or more versions of the element you want to test (e.g., a webpage, an email subject line, a call-to-action button).
- Random Distribution: Randomly divide your audience into equal groups, each seeing a different version.
- Measure Performance: Track critical metrics for each version’s click-through rates, conversions, or engagement levels.
- Analyze Results: Compare the performance data to determine which version achieved the best results.
- Implement Changes: Adopt the higher-performing version for broader use.2
Key Components
- Control Group: The original version of the asset, against which other versions are compared.
- Variant: The new version(s) being tested against the control.
- Hypothesis: A prediction of what changes might improve performance and why.
- Metrics: Quantifiable measures used to evaluate the success of each variant (e.g., conversion rate, bounce rate, time on page).3
- Data-Driven Decisions: Gives clear evidence of what works best, reducing guesswork.
- Increased Conversion Rates: Identifies which elements improve user engagement and conversion.
- Enhanced User Experience: Optimizes based on real user interactions, leading to a better experience.
- Cost Efficiency: Maximizes ROI by focusing on effective strategies and elements.4
- Webpages: Testing different headlines, images, layouts, and call-to-actions.
- Emails: Experimenting with subject lines, email content, and send times.
- Advertising: Comparing ad copy, images, and targeting strategies.
- Product Features: Assessing the impact of new features or updates on user behavior.
Imagine an online retail store testing two versions of its homepage.
Version A (the control) features a red “Buy Now” button, while Version B (the variant) has a green “Buy Now” button.
The store directs half of its traffic to each version and monitors the conversion rate.
If Version B shows a statistically significant higher conversion rate, the store can conclude that the green button is more effective and implement it on the homepage.
Related Terms
1. What is split testing? | Adobe basics. (n.d.). https://business.adobe.com/blog/basics/split-testing
2. Speicher, Maximilian, Andreas Both, and Martin Gaedke (2014). “Ensuring Web Interface Quality through Usability-Based Split Testing”. In: Web Engineering. Ed. by Sven Casteleyn, Gustavo Rossi, and Marco Winckler. Vol. 8541. LNCS. Springer, pp. 93–110. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Maximilian-Speicher/publication/271269916_Ensuring_Web_Interface_Quality_through_Usability-Based_Split_Testing/links/560ef62608aec422d112d8d4/Ensuring-Web-Interface-Quality-through-Usability-Based-Split-Testing.pdf
3. Cherian, M. (2024, June 3). What is A/B testing? A practical guide with examples: VWO. Website. https://vwo.com/ab-testing/
4. Vrountas, T. (2023, May 11). What is split testing? 8 steps to follow for your next campaign. Instapage. https://instapage.com/blog/what-is-split-testing/